Wednesday, March 21, 2018

SQL Navigator Team Coding with GIT and Oracle

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This SQL Navigator Team Coding with GIT feature is currently supporting from version 7.3 and above.

1.     Install GitHub Command Line and be sure to choose the following two non-default options when given the chance (all other pages choose the defaults)

2. Launch GitHub Desktop and create a repository

3. Start the SQL navigator and connect to the Database that we are going to Manage with SYS. Then go to the In SQL Navigator, select Team Coding | Administer. In the first log in we will get the below screen. Then install the team Coding. We will go through the below screens in initial configurations.

  • Select OK.

  • Select the Install Team Coding

  • Select the "Into TOAD schema" and Administration roll as DBA.

  • Select OK. This will create the Schema naming TOAD in given Table space. 
  • Give the credentials for new Schema user TOAD.

  • In the VCS, select the Git

  • Create a New Team coding project
  • give a name to project.
  • This will ask for the log in to Bit bucket.

  • Select NEW to select the project.

  • Give the required details.
  • Then select the DB Objects that we need to Manage.

  • Select the required objects.

  • Depending on the number of DB Objects you’ve chosen to manage via Team Coding, you may need to wait a tic or two for the creation of the project to complete, but when you’re done just click OK to dismiss the previous dialog, then from the SQL Nav menu, select Team Coding | Team Coding Manager to confirm that the expected objects were added to your new team project (The big green checkmark tells me everything worked)

  •  Now, we can finally start using Team Coding.  If you are developer, the first thing you’ll want to do is check out some procedural code and start working.  So it’s simple, just Right click controlled objects to Check-out (or later Check-in, Get latest version, Compare contents, etc.)
Checkout the object

1.     Now I’m asked to log into my Git account – do that and click OK

 Visual cue in SQL Navigator that the procedure is now checked out:

 Launch Github, I can see the same information…stored proc HR.ADD_JOB_HISTORY is checked out:

 Now open the stored proc in SQL Nav editor and make some changes, then save

Satisfied with the changes (maybe do some unit testing, code quality checks), return to the Team Coding Manager, right click and select Compare contents

Confirm that your local file is different than the Version controlled one

Finally, back to the SQL Navigator Team Coding manager to check the new change in.  Just right click on the stored proc and choose ‘Check in’

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