Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Windows Active Directory integration with Bamboo

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Windows Active Directory integration with Bamboo



Create Date



Viraj Bandara Dodanwala

1) Configure Connection Details

The LDAP server connection is specified by manually editing the file atlassian-user.xml
To configure your connection details:
  1. Edit the file .../{BAMBOO-HOME}/xml-data/configuration/atlassian-user.xml and configure the connection AD or LDAP.
Check the EX-1.xml file with example. Ex-1.xml.
 Below are the settings related to Connection configuration.


     2. Ensure that the following line is also active in your atlassian-user.xml
(it should be there by default):

2) Map LDAP Data Tree

Below setting are related to the LDAP Tree mapping. Below setting need to add to atlassian-user.xml. 
Ex-1.xml file contain the example.

in we are going to specify where our users have been created in the Active Directory
in we are going to specify where our groups have been created in the Active Directory

in we are going to get all users that are members of "bamboo-admin" and "bamboo-user" groups

in we are going to get all the groups specified in


3) Testing LDAP or Active Directory connectivity with Paddle.

  1. Download into a directory where you have permissions to create files.
  2. Copy your atlassian-user.xml into that directory - this is found in your .../{BAMBOO-HOME}/xml-data/configuration/ directory.
  3. Run  this command "java -jar paddle-x.x.jar debug limit=10000 "  (where x.x is the version of Paddle you downloaded).
            After executing  the above command, results should similar to below. 
LDAP Support Tool version 2.0
Connected to server successfully
TEST 1: Search and list 10000 users
User: CN=Gimhan Priyantha,OU=D F N Technology,DC=Direct,DC=local
Member of:
User: CN=Iresha Lakmali Kothalawala,OU=D F N Technology,DC=Direct,DC=local
Member of:
TEST 2: Search and list 10000 groups
Group: CN=TFS_MubasherGDCVASServiceAdmin,OU=Groups,DC=Direct,DC=local
No members in this group.
Group: CN=TFS_MubasherHRMUsers,OU=Groups,DC=Direct,DC=local
CN=Ruwan Siriwardena,OU=D F N Technology,DC=Direct,DC=local
Group: CN=TFS_MubasherTRSAdmins,OU=Groups,DC=Direct,DC=local
No members in this group.
Group: CN=TFS_IndiaMTBSBRSDocumentAdmins,OU=Groups,DC=Direct,DC=local
No members in this group.
In here, both Users and Groups should retrieved. If there is no record retrieved for Users or Groups,
 that means there is a issue in LDAP Tree mapping.

4) Integrate LDAP with Bamboo

Now, that we have tested our LDAP configuration against Paddle and users and groups have been 
retrieved it is time to integrate our "atlassian-user-custom.xml" with Bamboo.
Please, copy "atlassian-user-custom.xml" back into /xml-data/configurationdirectory.
Please, notice Bamboo will search for "atlassian-user-custom.xml" under /xml-data/configuration directory in order to enable the
 "Custom user repository" under "Bamboo administration >> Security >> User repositories"

Tomcat Configuration for Manage engine - Application Manager

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TopicTomcat Configuration for Manage engine - Application Manager
Create Date
EditorViraj Bandara Dodanwala

Configuring Manager Application Access

First , Define the User rolls , Users , Passwords and assign the defined roles to users. For this , we need to use the below file.
Default, this section is in comment.

Properly defined configuration will be like below.
You can find the role names in the web.xml file of the Manager web application. The available roles are:
  • manager-gui — Access to the HTML interface.
  • manager-status — Access to the "Server Status" page only.
  • manager-script — Access to the tools-friendly plain text interface that is described in this document, and to the "Server Status" page.
  • manager-jmx — Access to JMX proxy interface and to the "Server Status" page.

Add the below setting to server.xml under "" tag.

SQL Navigator Team Coding with GIT and Oracle

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This SQL Navigator Team Coding with GIT feature is currently supporting from version 7.3 and above.

1.     Install GitHub Command Line and be sure to choose the following two non-default options when given the chance (all other pages choose the defaults)

2. Launch GitHub Desktop and create a repository

3. Start the SQL navigator and connect to the Database that we are going to Manage with SYS. Then go to the In SQL Navigator, select Team Coding | Administer. In the first log in we will get the below screen. Then install the team Coding. We will go through the below screens in initial configurations.

  • Select OK.

  • Select the Install Team Coding

  • Select the "Into TOAD schema" and Administration roll as DBA.

  • Select OK. This will create the Schema naming TOAD in given Table space. 
  • Give the credentials for new Schema user TOAD.

  • In the VCS, select the Git

  • Create a New Team coding project
  • give a name to project.
  • This will ask for the log in to Bit bucket.

  • Select NEW to select the project.

  • Give the required details.
  • Then select the DB Objects that we need to Manage.

  • Select the required objects.

  • Depending on the number of DB Objects you’ve chosen to manage via Team Coding, you may need to wait a tic or two for the creation of the project to complete, but when you’re done just click OK to dismiss the previous dialog, then from the SQL Nav menu, select Team Coding | Team Coding Manager to confirm that the expected objects were added to your new team project (The big green checkmark tells me everything worked)

  •  Now, we can finally start using Team Coding.  If you are developer, the first thing you’ll want to do is check out some procedural code and start working.  So it’s simple, just Right click controlled objects to Check-out (or later Check-in, Get latest version, Compare contents, etc.)
Checkout the object

1.     Now I’m asked to log into my Git account – do that and click OK

 Visual cue in SQL Navigator that the procedure is now checked out:

 Launch Github, I can see the same information…stored proc HR.ADD_JOB_HISTORY is checked out:

 Now open the stored proc in SQL Nav editor and make some changes, then save

Satisfied with the changes (maybe do some unit testing, code quality checks), return to the Team Coding Manager, right click and select Compare contents

Confirm that your local file is different than the Version controlled one

Finally, back to the SQL Navigator Team Coding manager to check the new change in.  Just right click on the stored proc and choose ‘Check in’

Start Jboss-EAP as a Windows Service

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1. First Download  from below link and copy the contents of bin catalog to %JBOSS_HOME%/bin.

2. Then edit  the service.bat as required.

In here i have mentioned the important parameters which require to Start and Stop the JBoss as a service. Default Values and the Values we required is mentioned side by side.4
SVCDISP - [This is the parameter to put the Service Name in Windows Sevice ]
JAVA_OPTS - [Put the required Memory parameters]

  • In the "cmdStart" section , we need to mention the BAT file which we need to call to start the JBoss. Or we can put the start command like below.
call standalone.bat --server-config=standalone.xml < .r.lock >> C:\opt\jboss7\standalone\log\standalone.log 2>&1

  • In the "cmdStop" section, we need to call the proper shutdown command. If we keep the default value, The entire Windows server will get shutdown.

3. Create the Jboss as windows service.

After configuring the service.bat correctly, start the Command prompt as "Administrator" and execute the below command.
service.bat install  from  %JBOSS_HOME%/bin
If the command executed correctly without errors, a new Windows service create. 
All the logs related to this will create inside the BIN directory as of above config. If we want, we can change this.